In Our Nature
Absolutely everything is interconnected in astonishing dynamic ways that we are only beginning to understand, including our mental and planetary wellbeing.
The In Our Nature explores these connections, along with the unseen but profoundly influential currents, systems, cycles, patterns, stories, and constructs that shape both our inner lives and the world around us.
Why are we the way we are? Why are we treating the world and each other in the ways we do? Why do we feel so rubbish? Is this in our nature? What's going on?
Join me, Siobhán Friel, your host and fellow wanderer, as we curiously fondle the places where environmental, societal, historical, ecological and mythological contexts meet and mingle.
The In Our Nature pod wants to shed light on the hidden connections and deeper patterns that are shaping this extraordinary time we are in, helping us see more clearly as we make our way forth. Come and join me.
In Our Nature
Clarity, Creativity, Confidence, Joy, Resilience & Lots of Other Cool Shit
Ever heard or read that 'everything you need is inside you' and thought it was a load of crap? Same! But it's actually true. You are full of cool shit.
Come and explore:
- How - whaat?! - we actually do have everything we need inside us already
- The pesky misunderstanding that keeps us from seeing this
- How we can uncover the incredible cool shit that lives within us all by looking at thoughts and feelings in a new way
- Why this even matters for anxiety, overwhelm, worry and all that stuff
- Plus, Anxious Alice goes a bit rogue
Reach out on Instagram @siobhanfriel or siobhanfriel.com